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"We encourage all our members to join us as we celebrate our love for God in song."

- Worship Pastor, Jimmy Tompkins

We welcome all whose hearts beat for our Lord, Jesus Christ to come and be a part of our music ministry.  Our Celebration Choir is much more than a group of people who like to sing.  We are very much a family whose members enjoy, love and rely upon one another - just like your own family.  Bring your enthusiasm, bring an instrument.  Come and adore Christ the Lord!


Our choir meets each Wednesday evening at 7:15 pm to prepare for the Sunday morning services that follow.  Advanced notice of your intent to join us is not necessary.  We'll always have a seat open for you.

Morris Hill Baptist Church
1804 Morris Hill Rd., Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Phone: 423-892-2071  Fax: 423-892-3485
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