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Our Foundation

Below you will find a topical list of uncompromised values and beliefs that serve as the foundation of our church.

There is only one true God, and He co-exists in three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. As the creator of all things, His knowledge and power are unlimited, as is His love for you and me. Each of us is invited to enter into a relationship with God whereby we may obtain the wisdom He bestows upon us and know His perfect will for our lives.


The Bible was written by men who were inspired by God and is the only means by which we may come to know God, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. By faith in Jesus Christ alone as the savior of the world, each of us may obtain salvation. Every word within the pages of the Bible is true and without error.


Jesus is the human incarnation of God. As God's only Son, Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a life completely free of sin. His purpose was to teach us to live and to love according to his Father's will before willingly dying on a cross so that our sins may be forgiven. Three days after his body was placed in a tomb, Jesus rose from death to validate the truth he delivered as being the Son of God. Today Jesus waits for us at God's side in heaven. Soon he will raise the body of believers that make up the church to be with him forever. Jesus will also return to earth one day to avenge the wicked and to reveal himself to those who do not believe.


The Holy Spirit is God.  According to Jesus, the Spirit serves as a helper who comes to dwell within the hearts of all who have placed their trust in God.  The Spirit serves as a means of communication between our hearts and our Lord, Jesus.  Also called the Holy Ghost, it was this helper who inspired those under Jesus' ministry to write the scripture found on the pages of the Bible.


The church is called the bride of Christ. It is composed of those who trust in Christ through faith and have been baptized in water by immersion. God uses the church to carry out the work of His kingdom. This work is done by men and women who use their strengths and abilities to achieve His will on earth.


Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the only church ordinances we observe. Baptism is symbolic of our salvation and is not part of salvation, but is evidence of our obedience to Christ. Baptism is administered by immersion in water and is mandatory for church membership. The Lord’s Supper is for the purpose of remembering the death of our Lord, personal examination of our spiritual life and to be reminded that Jesus Christ is returning to earth.


A lost person can only have salvation by grace through faith that is based on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The shed blood of Jesus is the price paid that our sins may be forgiven. Upon trusting in Jesus as the son of God and the savior of the world, we are given the reward of eternal life with him in heaven, where he now sits in waiting at the right hand of the Father for the arrival of his bride.

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